Graduated in American studies and psychology. Mother of two wonderful daughters. Fails in looking the other way and does even worse at shutting up.
„Words are not important. We all will be judged by our actions.”
Entrepreneur in IT and craft. Enjoys taking photographs and writing. Loves being out and about with his family. Problem solver.
“I can’t stand idly by and watch innocent people suffer. No matter whether they are at my front door or thousands of miles away.”
Doctor and multitool. Our secret weapon when it comes to craftsmanship. Tinkerer. Loves old cars and delving into history.
“Watching and lamenting isn’t me. Tackling issues and changing things: That’s me.”
Restaurant owner. When he’s not doing a wonderful job at the café, he is enthusiastic about photography and – would you know it? – loves to cook. “I decided to join the organization because I am fed up with just talking about improving the world and making things better. Only those who take action can make a difference.”
Student of a dual studies program (business administration with marketing management as a special subject) + staff member in an IT company. Travels the world, snowboards, loves cooking a la Jamie Oliver. ”I am committed to help refugees because I want to give people who have lost everything a little bit of hope and humanity.”
Clerk, father of a Westend boy. Passionate about people, travelling and live-music. Permanent challenge: Bringing together the right team for a project. Motivation: „I only am a credible example to my child when I live up to my ideals of empathy and mutual support.“
“I have been involved in the Protestant Church’s youth work since 2014. I love working with children and this is why my contribution at Heimatstern is in education and youth social work.”
Head of department at a financial service provider. Organisational talent with a big heart. “I want to contribute personally to helping people to improve their life situation, preferably in a sustainable way. At Heimatstern, the most important thing is meeting eye to eye and on equal terms.”