Financial donations

We will use the financial resources that you entrust us with for the purchase of medicine, hygienic products and food. Furthermore, we always need donations to finance transport costs and sustainable projects.

Heimatstern e. V. is recognized as non-profit by the Munich tax office, therefore we are entitled to issue donation receipts. For amounts up to 200 EUR, the tax office recognises the bank’s booking confirmation as proof.

For amounts over 200 EUR, we will gladly issue a donation receipt. For this purpose please enter your address in the reference field.

Please use our donation account for your donation:

IBAN: DE47 7015 0000 1004 2328 54
Stadtsparkasse München
Account holder: Heimatstern e.V.

or PayPal:

Information about the possibility of regular help through a sponsoring membership can be found here.

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