
Donation collection point:

For information about the colletion point please email us at – we will respond promptly!

=> Our list of needs can be found here.

postal address for mailings

For information about the address please email us at – we will respond promptly!




Our #sternenoffice is located at

Walter-Sedlmayr-Platz 7 in
80995 Munich

Please note: We are not always on site. And this is not our postal address! You can find it here.

We can’t accept donations here either! Our current list of needs and the acceptance points for donations in kind can be found here.


Arriving by public transport:

Our office is directly located at the train station Feldmoching. It is only a few minutes walk from there to us.

• U2 to Feldmoching
• S1 to Feldmoching
• Bus 170, 171, 172, 173


Arriving by car:

There are good parking facilities in the neighbourhood, for example in Luitfriedstraße, Ponkratzstraße or Josef-Frankl-Straße. For smaller deliveries and collections, it is best to come to us via Luitfriedstraße “from behind” (go through the passageway and then turn right).

Larger deliveries are not possible in #sternenoffice due to lack of storage capacity. Please arrange such deliveries with us in advance.


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