Aus Idlib / Syrien haben wir auch wieder Bilder unserer Essensverteilung dort bekommen.
Von unserem Partner bekamen wir folgenden Bericht zur Lage. Er macht klar, warum wir auch dort weiterhelfen müssen:
„The situation in Idlib is complicated. We are still surrounded by Assad’s forces, Russia and Iran in a narrow geographical area with the presence of many displaced people who came to Idlib from all over Syria who did not agree to remain under the rule of the Assad family. The people are poor and destitute, and the situation is still In the case of the presence of some missiles and overflights of warplanes , And people are still afraid of the future And there is no work, and if there is work, then the wages are very low. And the people suffer from depression because of poverty, war, lack of money and siege.“