Special presents are special. And they are even more special…

Special presents are special. And they are even more special if they reach us completely out of the blue.

We feel very honored that our dear friend Mahran Jan from camp Derveni created this wonderful piece of art.

Thank you very much, Mahran. And thank you Lisa, who commissioned not just one, but four of those beautiful sculptures. And a special thank you to Antje Stifel, who invented this wonderful logo. Just a reason more to work hard and do everything we can to support the people in Greece and elsewhere. It’s a matter of heart. #onelove

Special presents are special. And they are even more special if they reach us completely out of the blue. 

We feel very honored that our dear friend Mahran Jan from camp Derveni created this wonderful piece of art.

Thank you very much, Mahran. And thank you Lisa, who commissioned not just one, but four of those beautiful sculptures. And a special thank you to Antje Stifel, who invented this wonderful logo. Just a reason more to work hard and do everything we can to support the people in Greece and elsewhere. It's a matter of heart. #onelove

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